Our roster makes sure we have a core group assigned to run each sailing day. If you are an active member, it is likely we have assigned you a job. Please make sure you can make your date.

Roster until 1 May 22 - Revision 3

If you can not make your date, please contact the sailing manager.

Roster Information


Roster FAQ

I can not make my assigned date… What do I do?

Please contact the sailing manager with dates you are available and we will try and fit you in accordingly.

Where can I find the latest roster?

The latest version will always be on this page.

I am intending to volunteer even if I’m not on roster, is this ok?

Yes! Turn up to any of our calendar sailing days and we are likely to find you a job - The OOD or sailing manager will put you in the right direction.

Can I opt out of volunteering?

No. We are a volunteer-run club, so each member contributing a day or two of time over the season makes a big difference.

MOSS: Marine Operator Safety System

Every member who drives our motorboats must have MOSS training with the club, and be over the age of 15. To get your MOSS, sign up here to attend a 5 hour course, to be run during the season.

OOD: Officer of the Day

This is a member of committee who oversees shore operations and the safe use of our RIBs on club days. Radio: "French Bay Shore"

PRO: Principal Race Officer

This is a MOSS grad who is able to run races from our "Big Mac" boat. Oversees mark placement and running of races. Radio: "Committee"

PRO Support

Assists with flags and scoring on the "Big Mac". Also a chance for MOSS grads to learn how to do the PRO role.

RIB Support

These roles fill out what's left of our available RIBs on the day. Those without MOSS can support a driver with MOSS. Radio: "Rib #"


KLTS/LTR parents and general members are welcome to join in anytime.


Members responsible for running the kitchen, who can provide their own baking or use club resources to cook up a mean feed for after sailing.