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Ready to become a member?
Please click one of the buttons to apply and pay.
After clicking you will be asked to create a login on our membership website and also use your credit or debit card to pay for your membership.
Family $250
Choose this option for families of 2 adults & one or more children under 20 years of age
Junior + Associate $160
Choose this option for an under 20 sailor with a non-sailing parent/caregiver (eg KLTS)
Associate $60
Choose this option if you want to be involved at FBYC as a non-sailing member
Senior $175
Choose this option if you are over 20, a gold card carrier or anything in between!
Why join French BAY?
Membership benefits include:
Use of clubhouse facilities for fun recreational sailing and racing
Support for beginner sailors, from coaching to buying a boat
Use of FBYC dinghies, subject to availability, and to get you started (in the long term you’ll need your own boat)
Access to FBYC coaching sessions for beginners and competitive racing
Complimentary RIB skipper, First Aid and Learn to Sail instructor training
Use of RIBs in support of qualifying away regattas
Discounted Hall hire of $185 + GST, subject to availability
Support for youth sailors to attend National and International regattas
Yachting New Zealand membership with associated discounts and benefits via the YNZ Membership Card
Friends of the Manukau Harbour Membership
Helping run the club
French Bay Yacht Club is run by volunteers. Being a member means volunteering some of your time to help run activities and support the club, which in turn, helps it grow. You can help the club by:
Volunteering your time to support club activities on a roster. Roster duties include patrol boat / safety crewing, running the galley, being Officer of the Day etc. You’ll only be asked to do tasks you feel comfortable with.
Helping to organise things such as boat maintenance, regattas, fundraising and social events.
Please contact a Committee Member to find out more about what it’s like at FBYC, or better still pay us a visit on a sailing day.