Hamish Hall-Smith has sailed at French Bay Yacht Club since he started learning in a wooden Opti in 2007.
“I have been in love with the sport ever since,” he says.
Hamish has won four national titles, and actively sails his foiling A class as well as crewing a 12ft skiff. He has worked in high performance boat building for a number of years and has returned to FBYC with a willingness to share the passion.
Here is a message from Hamish for all parents of youth sailors:
Most of you by now will have met me in the boat park sometime but I have yet to meet a number of you!
I am in the middle of assessing the skills of all our kids and groups in an effort to increase fun and learning. I have found meeting each sailor individually has really helped me understand what I can do to give you all the best coaching.
So if you haven’t met me yet and intend to sail this weekend, consider dropping me a line, introduce yourself and let me know what boat you’re in.
My email is Hamish318@gmail.com
My number/whatsapp is 022 533 1906
This will really help me manage our coaches and resources, as well as turn up the fun factor for all groups.
Once I get to know you, I hope to be able to give some insight and advice on what might be next for you at our wonderful club. If you have questions about boats or the sport in general I am happy to help anytime.
See you this weekend!